Isochronic Tones Uses

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Do isochronic tones work at all? Many results and benefits are being claimed from using isochronic tones (and brainwave entrainment in general). From stress reduction, relaxation, deeper meditation, over increased memory, better concentration and more creativity, to altered states of consciousness (including lucid dreaming). The Oncoming Storm - Binaural Beats and Isochronic TonesWhat are binaural beats?It is a type of sound wave therapy used in the treatment of anxiety, stress. Let’s look from a scientific perspective, to avoid any confusion lets use the following definition When two coherent sounds with nearly similar frequencies are presented to each ear respectively with stereo headphones, the brain integrates the two. Many of the brainwave entrainment tracks on SurgingLife.Com use Isochronic tones for one reason or another, largely due to the greater effectiveness. Take a good look at the brainwave entrainment download section to see what tracks can help you best and which sound forms they use. Truly the most effective technology is Isochronic Tones. Instead of playing two harsh tones, this technology uses equal intensity pulses. To tune your brain to 10 Hertz, you have to pulse equal intensity tones 10 times per second. The constant rhythmic pulsing causes the brain to entrain or sync with the tones.

Isochronic Tones Uses Meaning

Should you use binaural beats or isochronic tones? Find out which sound is best for which brain frequency you want, and not the other …

Binaural beats, a technology that has been around for many years, and isochronic tones, one that is relatively a newcomer, make up what is known as brainwave entrainment.

Isochronic tones uses sound

Brainwave entrainment is the process of syncing the frequency of your brain to certain frequencies, resulting in a mental state that supports high performance, creativity, or deep rejuvenation.

Both binaural beats and isochronic tones are used by enthusiasts, like myself, who pursue the state of mind we currently need. Sometimes we need to boost our concentration, other times we need to relax the mind for quality sleep.

What is the difference between them? Is one better than the other?

The short answer is that isochronic tones and binaural beats have a different mechanism to produce the desirable frequencies. Binaural beats use two slightly different frequencies, while isochronic tones use only one.

According to most people who have used them, isochronic tones is more effective for creating high performance (also known as the gamma and beta brainwaves).

On the other side, binaural beats are effective for slower brainwave activity, such as meditation, sleep, and inspiring creativity (also known as the alpha, theta, and delta registers).

Since isochronic tones produce one rapidly pulsing frequency only, you can listen to them using speakers. With binaural beats, you must use headphones to listen, since they rely on your brain processing two frequency inputs.

That is the major difference between them. One isn’t necessarily better than the other, because they both have their uses. Depending on your goals, you might use one, or both alternatingly.

Table of Contents

Isochronic Tones – Best for High Performance

These tones consists of single frequency tones that turn on and off rapidly, resulting in a pulsing sound, similar sounding – but not the same – as binaural beats.

Isochronic Tones Uses Memory

Isochronic tones are a relatively recent discovery, originating in the 1980s to 1990s. They are claimed to be more powerful than binaural beats because they invoke a stronger brain response.

Measuring the “frequency following response,” or how quickly the brain can be entrained by the wave frequencies, these tones create a faster response than the beats.

It means that isochronic tones are more efficient for brainwave entrainment. As mentioned before, they are known to be especially effective if you want to train for the gamma and beta waves (for high performance).

The downside is that isochronic tones aren’t well suited for low brainwave activities, such as meditation that uses the theta and delta waves.

These tones are also not effective for using the “carrier frequency approach” that is used by binaural beats to produce low brainwaves at low frequencies for higher effectiveness.

Binaural Beats – Best for Relaxation and Meditation

Binaural beats have a much longer history than isochronic tones, and more studies that support their effectiveness as a therapeutic tool.

Isochronic Tones Uses Audio

This sound is the result of two tones with slightly different frequencies entering your ears at the same time. Your brain then processes the sound information and you hear the difference of those frequencies.

Isochronic Tones Asmr

For example, two tones with a frequency of 100 Hz and 104 Hz result in a perceived tone of 4 Hz (the frequency within the theta frequency).


Since it relies on both ears, you must use headphones when listening to binaural beats.

Isochronic Tones Uses Sound

Compared to isochronic tones, these beats are claimed to invoke a weaker brain response. Brain entrainment also takes longer. However, they are known to produce a stronger hypnosis effect related to low brainwaves.

Therefore, binaural beats are more effective for the alpha, theta, and delta frequency ranges. They can also take advantage of the carrier frequency approach.

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