Computer Slows Down Randomly Vista

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I have a couple questions about my PC. Lately it has been acting really retarded (For lack of a better word,) mainly it will do things like cause my VLC player to run VERY slowly (So that audio and video slows down and gets choppy i guess you could say) and this is with only It and the bare number of services running (to my knowledge) Also, i have been getting Access violations and 'The memory at Blah blah Cannot be read' when i play Starcraft 2 (Something else that has never happened before)
My specs are listed in the 'My Specs' Section of my profile thing, i use the Free version of Avast for A/V and AUSlogics boostspeed for general performance increase (Faster and more efficient HDD and Registry defrag, Optimization tools, etc etc)
So my questions are as follows;
1.) What could be causing these problems? Windows updates?
2.) What is the best way to check my computers overall performance or find out where the crap my CPU's power is going and what is using up all my Ram?
I have 55 processes open as of writing this, CPU is at 100% (Prime95 is taking up 85+ Percent, saw it on the Starcraft Forums, says it is like a stress tester or something..)
DownComputer slows down randomly vista catalina

Why it becomes slow? People are not aware that additional services are added to your computer when you install some third-party software. As the result, the CPU usage may reach to a high level and memory is taken away. Then your computer slows down and crashes a lot. That nothing frustrated than getting into the trouble of a slow computer. Computer is: Freezing, Slowing Down, Randomly Restarting (+Multiple Keyloggers) « on: August 08, 2008, 02:16:37 PM » Lately without warning I have been having issues where my computer gets a little slower.

Computer Slows Down Randomly VistaSlows

Computer Slows Down Randomly

Even the static electricity from the carpet (or other fabrics) and power surges contribute to slowing down a computer. These are just the main reasons why a computer slows down over time. There are many other reasons too, which depend on your usage habits and the maintenance that your computer receives. Search for and open Device Manager. Then find and double-click the new driver. In the resulting dialog box, click the Driver tab, then the Roll Back Driver button. If that button is grayed out, the.

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