Website Of The Week

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Kelly recognizes that part of the reason students struggle with reading is because they lack prior knowledge and background. They can decode the words, but the words remain meaningless without a foundation of knowledge. To help build his students’ prior knowledge, he assigns them an Article of the Week every Monday morning.
Following are Article of the Week assignments curated by Kelly for the 2020-2021 school year. Kelly posts a new article each Sunday for the following week, except during holiday weeks. The most recent post is at the top of the list. Please note, all articles are subject to the copyright protections stipulated by the original source.

Monster Of The Week Website

The Kraft family is so proud to announce that Covid-19 vaccinations for first responders at Gillette Stadium began on Thursday. It's the beginning of the end of this terrible pandemic. A time, perhaps, to reflect on our past 10 months. Date to Date Calc. Business Date to Date Date Calc. Business Date Weekday Week Number Dialing Codes Travel Time Distance Home Calculators Week Number Calculator: What Week of the Year Is It? Enter a week number to locate the week on a calendar; or enter any date to see in which week number it falls.

  • “Statehouses, U.S. Capitol Brace for Potentially Violent Week” by David E. Lieb and Adam Geller for

  • “House Prepares for Trump Impeachment, Could Add Charges on Georgia Allegations” by Andrew Restuccia and Brent Kendall for The Wall Street Journal

  • “The Vaccine Velvet Rope” by Jeva Lange for

  • “Supreme Court Rejects Texas’s Push to Overturn Biden Victory” by John Kruzel for

  • “When Can I Get a Coronavirus Vaccine” by Maggie Fox for

  • “With Two Vaccines on the Horizon, Here’s What You Need to Know” by Thomas Curwen for the Los Angeles Times

  • “The Times Called Officials in Every State: No Evidence of Voter Fraud” by Nick Corasanti, Reid J. Epstein and Jim Rutenberg for the New York Times

  • “How Did Biden Do It? Wide Coalition Powered Win” by Josh Boak and Hannah Fingerhut for the Associated Press

  • “More than 90 Million People Have Already Voted. Here’s How that Compares with Past Elections.” by Grace Hauck for USA Today

  • “The Electoral College Can Pick a President Who Got Fewer Votes. Here’s Why and How.” by Josh Peter for USA Today

  • “Why the Coronavirus Is Killing More Men than Women” by Ben Guarino for the Washington Post

  • “The Black Wealth Gap”

  • “Trump Hospitalized with Covid-19. Here’s What Happens Next” by Natasha Khan, James Hookway and Alex Leary for the Wall Street Journal

  • “What Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court Nomination Means for the 2020 Election” by Dierdre Walsh for

  • “Trump Could Name His Supreme Court Pick in Days—and Says It Will Be a Woman” by Janet Hook, Jennifer Haberkorn and Jie Jenny Zou for the Los Angeles Times

  • “How the World’s Deadliest Mass Extinction Actually Helped the Rise of Dinosaurs” by Riley Black for

  • “Climate Change Has Arrived”

  • “A Mania for Mars”

  • “Nearly 70,000 Lives Could Be Saved in the Next 3 Months If More Americans Wore Masks, Researchers Say” by Christina Maxouris and Alaa Elassar for

  • “What We Know About Schookids and Coronavirus”

Looking for last year's Article of the Week assignments? Check out the AoW Archive.


Read Rabbi Sacks zt'l's 'Seven Principles of Jewish Leadership'

I was recently asked to write the foreword to a publication being produced by the Adam Science Foundation to mark the twentieth anniversary of its leadership programme Named after the late Adam Science, zichrono livracha, who tragically died in 1991 aged just twenty-seven, the programme has had great success in developing the next generation of lay and professional leadership within Anglo-Jewry... Read more

Watch the tribute for Rabbi Sacks zt'l to mark the completion of Shloshim

Shloshim is the intense 30-day period of mourning that is observed after a bereavement according to the Jewish tradition. The tribute … Read more

Here are the hespeidim (eulogies) delivered at the levaya (funeral) of Rabbi Sacks zt'l

Baruch Dayan Ha’Emet. It is with the deepest sadness that we regret to inform you that Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks … Read more

Website Weekdays

Covenant & Conversation

The Far Horizon (Bo 5781)

Rabbi Sacks zt’’l had prepared a full year of Covenant & Conversation for 5781, based on his book Lessons in Leadership. … Read more

Overcoming Setbacks (Vaera 5781)

Rabbi Sacks zt’’l had prepared a full year of Covenant & Conversation for 5781, based on his book Lessons in Leadership. … Read more

Family Edition

C&C Family Edition: Against Their Gods (Bo 5779)

BO: AGAINST THEIR GODS Covenant & Conversation: Family Edition is a new and exciting initiative from The Office of Rabbi … Read more

  • Video Highlights

    “We can face any future without fear so long as we know that we won’t face it alone.”

  • Video Highlights

    Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times

  • Video Highlights

    Rabbi Sacks on the coronavirus pandemic (Extended Newsnight interview)


'The best way of breaking down barriers between people or communities is through simple, unforced acts of kindness. One act can undo years of estrangement.'

The Home We Build Together, p.132

Why I am a Jew

Why I am a Jew

Best Website Of The Week

“The deepest question any of us can ask is: Who am I? To answer it we have to go deeper … Read more



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