Ms2 Assassin Crit Dmg Or Piercing

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Xingqiu is a melee longsword-wielding Hydro character in Genshin Impact. You can build him using the traditional melee damage build, which consists of stacking ATK on your artifacts, with optional Hydro bonus damage stats on your Goblet. This guide will show you our version of the best build for Xingqiu in Genshin Impact. We’ll try to provide some viable build options for free-to-play players who got lucky enough to pull this character.

The character is naked, minus weapon and necklace -The weapon is +12 and has 3.2% piercing (1.6% x 2 for assassin) -The assassin has 1.6% boss damage on their offhand (for the sole reason that this is what I have on mine) -The assassin has an assumed 30% minimum critical rate (estimated fatal strikes uptime) -The Scion buff (4% piercing) is active -Wizard is using level 10 Flame Wave -Assassin is using level 10 Fragmented Star (only uses main hand damage and hits once, easy to test). The assassin makes two shortsword attacks. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 24 (7d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Xingqiu is a straightforward easy-to-play character. Depending on how you want to fit him into your team composition, you will likely want to utilize him for his elemental abilities. Switch to Xingqiu and pop your abilities, and then swap to your main DPS that synergizes with Hydro. Let’s dive into some of the build details.

Best Build for Xingqiu in Genshin Impact

When attacking with Magic Skills, has a chance of Crit, causes 150% spell crit. Dmg, increases spell crit. Dmg by an extra 1% for each 6 LUK (LUK increase and spell crit. DMG effect cannnot be stacked) When refining is +8 and landing a M.ATK, increases Crit. When refining +12 and landing M.ATK, increases Crit. The damage is just not enough. Even a full 8 piece% hunter damage with 100% cc and 700% cd build the dmg is still not enough. FYI, i was annoyed that with adren on hit and adren on crit builds don't work for rapid fire, i wanted a minigun. If you crit and roll as much damage as possible on this attack, you deal 60 piercing or slashing damage + 60 radiant damage. So your average 1st attack crit does 76 damage, at most 120 damage. This is on one attack. If it is your second or third attack you deal 4d10+6d8+20 damage, an average of 69 damage, at most 108 damage. If you crit on your last minor attack, you deal 2d4+2d10+6d8+20 damage, an average of 63 damage, at most 98 damage.

Here are the bests weapons, artifacts, and stats to focus on for Xingqiu:

AftercareMs2 assassin crit dmg or piercing healing
  • Weapons: Fillet Blade, Prototype Rancour, Skyward Blade
  • Stats: ATK%, CRIT%, CRIT, ATK, Elemental Mastery
  • Artifacts: The Exile, Noblesse Oblige

Best Xingqiu Weapons


Ms2 Assassin Crit Dmg Or Piercing Aftercare

New players under Adventure Rank 30 who want to utilize Xingqiu can throw on the Fillet Blade. The three-star sword has a 50% chance to deal 240% ATK DMG to a single target once every fifteen seconds. It’s not a great weapon but will hold you over until you can craft something better.

Next up, the Prototype Rancour is a reliable option, and it’s craftable, which makes it a viable free-to-play weapon. The sword offers a Physical damage bonus and ATK stats. It also has the Smashed Stone passive, which causes regular or charged attacks to increase ATK and DEF by 4% for six seconds, stacking up to four times once every 0.3 seconds.

Finally, the Skyward Blade is likely best-in-slot for Xingqiu at the moment. The legendary five-star weapon has base ATK and Energy Recharge stats on it. The Sky-Piercing Fang passive increases CRIT rate by 4%. It also grants Skypiercing Might when using an Elemental Burst, increasing movement and attack speed by 10%, and damage of regular and charged attacks by 20% for 12 seconds.

Ms2 Assassin Crit Dmg Or Piercings


Best Xingqiu Stats

Ms2 Assassin Crit Dmg Or Piercing Gun

You can follow the traditional ATK and CRIT oriented stat builds on your artifacts for Xingqiu. Considering his elemental abilities, you can also try farming for a Hydro bonus damage Goblet to utilize.


Ms2 Assassin Crit Dmg Or Piercing Healing

For secondary stats outside of ATK and CRIT, Xingqiu benefits from both Elemental Mastery and Energy Recharge. Focusing on recharge lets you spam abilities quicker, and mastery will help pump the damage slightly.

Best Artifacts for Xingqiu

Here are some good Artifact set options for Xingqiu:

You can combine the two-piece bonuses from each of these sets, or go for a four-piece depending on your team composition. It comes down to which Artifacts you can find with the best stat rolls on them.

The Assassin ascendancy got nerfed in 3.0 and projectile damage no longer scales bleed and poison. But therefore we got new support gems for ailments and the keystone Perfect Agony, which should help to get some decent dmg in.
What is this build?
The basic idea of this build is to shoot as many projectiles as possible to apply bleed, poison and maim with Noxious Strike and then scale the damage with ailment dmg and crit multiplier + Perfect Agony. Tornado Shot is used to hit targets multiple times with a single shot. To increase the amount of projectiles flying around, GMP is used in combination with Death's Harp/Death's Opus. Pierce from Piercing Shots helps to apply even more stacks and Drillneck lets us deal +50% to every pierced enemy. This build only requires Death's Opus (~10c) and Drillneck (~2c) as uniques and is therefore very budget friendly.
Skill tree:
Start: You basically start as phys crit bow build, using Split Arrow-FA-PPAD / Tornado Shot-LMP-FA-PPAD:
Progression: After yougot Heavy Draw, Lethality and King of the Hill, take Dirty Techniques and Bloodletting. Take as much life in between as you need to survive. When you reach Bloodletting, reskill from Sniper to Entropy and start using ailment support gems (TS-GMP-PPAD-DA):
After that take Fatal Toxins and Perfect Agony as soon as you can, as long as you got enough survivability. Otherwise take Master of the Arena first. I'd skill into Revenge of the Hunted only after PA, but it kinda depends on how much def or dps you need.
Full tree: (lvl 90)
Bandits: As bandit i'd choose Alira, mostly because of 20% crit multiplier, but 5 mana regen and +15% resistances are also quite helpful.
Ascendancy: Noxious Strike -> Toxic Delivery -> Unstable Infusion -> Deadly Infusion

Gem setup:
Main setup
4L: Tornado Shot-GMP-PPAD-Deadly Ailments
5L: add Unbound Ailments
6L: add Swift Afflicton or Increased Critical Damage
We do not care about projectile damage. Therefore GMP is used, to increase the amount of projectiles flying around and applying bleed, multiple poison stacks and maim debuff.
BA+IG setup
4L: Blink Arrow-Faster Attacks-Ice Golem-Blind
5L: add Minion Life
6L: add Increased Duration
BA+FA for mobility. IG also benefits from FA and Blind makes both BA and IG debuff your enemies, so they hit you even less. ML makes both IG and BA tankier and ID lets BA and Blind last longer.
Auras: Grace, Temporal Chains-Blashpemy, Vaal Haste
TC has nice synergy with both evasion and DoT. Vaal Haste helps with fast applicaiton of poison stacks for bosses. Grace is basically a no-brainer with EV as main defense.
4L: Split Arrow-Curse on Hit-Vulnerability-Chain
Split Arrow is nice with built-in GMP. Together with +2 projectiles from RotC and Chain, it curses a lot of enemies from distance.
4L: CWDT-Immortal Call-Increased Duration-Phase Run
Standard CWDT setup + Phase Run. Since most mobs die from a single shot, we won't shoot as often and can keep Phase Run up for a while.

Only two uniques are needed for this build: a bow with additional projectiles and Drillneck. Death's Opus is currently ~10c and Drillneck is ~2c, making this build very budget friendly. Although Reach of the Council might be better for leveling after lvl 62, until you got Perfect Agony on the tree.
Your bow progression may look like this:
Level 5: Quill Rain (phys dmg)
Level 32: Death's Harp (+1 proj)
Level 44: Death's Opus (+2 proj)
[Level 62: Reach of the Council (+2 proj)] (optional)
Drillneck (lvl 36) adds +50% dmg to all enemies you pierce, which is perfect for a skill that has 100% pierce chance for initial projectiles.
Maligaro's Virtuosity (lvl 31) and Rat's Nest (lvl 55) are nice for additional atkspeed, crit chance and crit multiplier.
Yriel's Fostering's poison version (lvl 62) is another great, but also very expansive unique for this build, giving us additional crit chance and chance to poison.

So far i didn't have much time to play this character and just started mapping. Clear speed feels really good and so far i'm not having any problems with bosses, as you can jsut kite them all day and watch their health drop. I'll try to record a video once i reach lvl 90, although that may take a while.

Thank you for reading. If you got any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment or message me ingame if you want. I'm happy to answer, whenever i got the time for it.
Last edited by Gr3mlin0815 on Aug 23, 2017, 2:19:36 PM
Posted by
on Aug 3, 2017, 5:46:40 PM
Changed the build a bit. For def now life, evasion and acrobatics is used, because it makes way more sense than life + energy shield. I also made use of the keystone Perfect Agony, that scales ailment dmg with crit multiplier. The gem setup might also need some rework, but i'll wait for that until i played enough and see what works best.
Last edited by Gr3mlin0815 on Aug 6, 2017, 10:08:58 PM
Posted by
on Aug 4, 2017, 1:46:44 PM
Would you mind posting the build in the Poeurl builder, its not showing up for me with your link
Posted by
on Aug 4, 2017, 10:47:24 PM
Would you mind posting the build in the Poeurl builder, its not showing up for me with your link

Sorry, didn't see your message until now. I changed the tree link to poeurl, since poe planner doesn't seem to work atm.
Last edited by Gr3mlin0815 on Aug 5, 2017, 4:45:34 PM
Posted by
on Aug 5, 2017, 4:34:28 PM
Thank you for your work, I'll give it a chance
Posted by
on Aug 9, 2017, 1:08:17 PM
Posted by
on Aug 9, 2017, 1:08:33 PM
Posted by
on Aug 9, 2017, 5:50:20 PM
Rec a video to see if it even worth to build (?)
Fast Calc path of building:

DPS seems to low. maybe fun for bosses till T4 (?).. but waht about packs of mobs ?? waht then hmmm..?
Good luck, keep us informed ;)
Last edited by Ph0z on Aug 9, 2017, 11:07:02 PM
Posted by
on Aug 9, 2017, 11:04:54 PM
PPAD nor an option? scales ailment dmg aswell now

Yes, with ailment scaling PPAD is definitely a strong support gem for this build. As it scales both hit damage and ailments, i now put it in as one of the first support gems. Thanks for your suggestion.
I also changed some other gem setups and added Drillneck to the list of unqiues, as it significantly improves the dmg of the build. Therefore we now get piercing shots on the tree, together with some other minor changes.
Last edited by Gr3mlin0815 on Aug 18, 2017, 3:41:51 PM
Posted by
on Aug 16, 2017, 3:48:54 PM
DPS seems to low. maybe fun for bosses till T4 (?).. but waht about packs of mobs ?? waht then hmmm..?

I changed the support gems, unique setup and tree a little bit. I'm no expert with path of building, so does it include added damage from poison stacks? 'Cause in boss fights you'll accumulate a lot of them.
I didn't have a lot of time to play and therefore just started mapping. Clear speed is definitely fine and so far i'm not having any problems with bosses. I'll try to post a video, once i reach lvl 90.
Last edited by Gr3mlin0815 on Aug 18, 2017, 3:41:39 PM
Posted by
on Aug 17, 2017, 11:18:53 PM

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