How Suite Was That?

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NetSuite is the leading integrated cloud business software suite, including business accounting, ERP, CRM and ecommerce software. Featuring a plush bed and living space with extra seating, a sleeper sofa, and a TV that can be seen from every angle of the suite. Each studio suite includes a workstation, a wet bar, a refrigerator, and a microwave. Easily manage all your social media and get results with Hootsuite. Discover what’s possible when you unite your social campaigns on one platform. Schedule and publish content to the right channels at the right time, track effectiveness in real time, and crank the volume on your top-performing. 2 ways to abbreviate Suite. How to abbreviate Suite? Get the most popular abbreviation for Suite updated in 2021.

How Suite Was That Really

Suite is only a noun. It refers to a set of rooms or a sequence of musical pieces. You can remember that suite refers to rooms since suite and antechamber are both spelled with an E. If you need help remembering, you can check this article again to decide whether you should write suite or suit.

tout de suite

Immediately; at once; as quickly as possibly. Often given the coarse pronunciation 'toot sweet' or incorrect spelling 'tout suite' in English. I suggest you pay the bill tout de suite, or the bank will start charging you interest.As soon as we heard the police sirens, we got out of there tout de suite.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

tout suite

right away; with all haste. (Pronounced 'toot sweet.' From French toute de suite.) John: Come on, get this finished! Bob: I'm trying. John: Tout suite! Get moving!'I want this mess cleaned up, tout suite!' shouted Sally, hands on her hips and steaming with rage.
How Suite Was That?
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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