Gimp User Manual For Mac

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GIMP is a cross-platform image editor available for GNU/Linux, OS X, Windows and more operating systems. It is free software, you can change its source code and distribute your changes. Whether you are a graphic designer, photographer, illustrator, or scientist, GIMP provides you with sophisticated tools to get your job done. Your GIMP Profile (and You) What the GIMP Profile is and how to use it. Image Formats Overview Selecting the best image format for your purposes. Asset Folders Extending GIMP with new plug-ins, scripts, brushes, and more. Photo Editing¶ Digital B&W Conversion Detailed conversion tutorial for generating a B&W result from a color image.

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GIMP :: 2.6.11 - How To Install User Manual In Windows 7

Oct 24, 2011

How can I install the Gimp user manual in Windows 7?
I have Gimp 2.6.11

GIMP :: Cannot Open User Manual Both Local Computer And Online

May 1, 2012

Still having this problem when accessing the user manual (local copy on computer), notepad opens up displaying html code of the user manual as listed above posting.
I went into SAFE mode to see what would happen and the same action resulted. I went into SAFE mode because all security programs would be off.
When I change the setting to use the user manual online this is the error message. ( My Outpost Security Suite 7.1 Free is ON.)
Execution error for procedure 'plug-in-web-browser': Failed to open 'gimp-user-manual-for-mac.html ....': The operating system denied access to the specified file.
Execution error for 'User Manual Web Site': Error: Procedure execution of plug-in-web-browser failed: Failed to open 'gimp-user-manual-for-mac.html': The operating system denied access to the specified file.
I went to see what the default browser but it only shows 'Reg_SZ' in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOThttpshellopencommand. I want to verify what my default browser is. Isn't that what GIMP will use as the browser? Why does GIMP use the NotePad program to display the user manual when I have the preferences set to local access (on my computer)? The name of the NotePad file is 'gimp-concepts-usage'.

GIMP :: How To Increase Pixels / Create Printable Graphic

Oct 10, 2012

The attached graphic, which came from a book on was originally 520 x 721 pixels. The same graphic was enhanced and increased to 1185 x 1600 pixels (the other attachment). It's clear and bright, and hasn't lost any detail. How this is done?


GIMP :: How To Download The Manual Into The Program

Aug 17, 2011

how I can print the manual, also how do I download the manual into the program…I downloaded the zip file opened it with 7 Zip but couldn’t get it to work…I lost my Photoshop 4.0 when my computer crashed and a friend told me your program is much better and free…on my very limited budget that was good news, but I do need to print the manual because I have difficulty reading things on the computer.

GIMP :: Brush Fading / Manual Stippling

Oct 21, 2013

I'm a paleontology student and in my work I have to create reconstructions and pictures of fossils, most of them stippled (similar to URL..... I used to work with Gimp 2.6, using paintbrush fading set to 1 px (i.e. every click of a mouse making one, perfect dot). I'm using a mouse, because I find it more comfortable and precise than a graphic tablet. Unfortunately, after Gimp update to 2.8 the brush options changed, the brush fading ceased to work as it used to, and I can't find a way to turn it on (tweaking the dynamics settings would probably work for a tablet, but I find it useless for a mouse). I know there are some plugins for automatic stippling/halftoning, but unfortunately they are not what I want, as they obviously mix information about shape (shading) and color, while I need my pictures to show only the shape of the specimens. Is there any way to make the paintbrush fading work in Gimp 2.8 as it worked in Gimp 2.6?

AutoCAD LT :: Cannot Run 2012 On Windows 2003 As Limited User

Nov 5, 2012

I have a server running Windows 2003 and I need to have limited users be able to run Autocad LT 2012. Every time it runs, Windows Installer pops up for a very short time and AutoCAD never actually runs. I believe that the pop up is for the English Language Pack, but I cannot be positive about it. I have already read the KB article on running as a restricted user, URL.... and the environment does not prevent the user from accessing any of the registry and file locations specified. I have tried many things to get this to work, but nothing seems to do it. One notable thing that I tried was to make the user an admin, run the program, then remove them from the admins group, but as soon as I remove them, they are no longer able to run it.

AutoCAD Map 3D :: Delete All Program / User Folders And Clean Windows Registry

Mar 19, 2013

I have a problem to run Map 2013 today.
'System.IO.FileLoadException: Can't load procedure from 'MapPublishImp.dll'.File name: 'MapPublishImp.dll' in Autodesk. Gis.Map. TextEdit. UI.Map PublishHelper.Finalize()'
Fatal error and Map is closed..What I have done:
- Try to repair and reinstall, nothing
- Uninstall Map 2013, delete all program's and user's folders and clean Windows Registry, clean install of Map 2013, NOTHING (???)

GIMP :: Way To Take Settings For One User

Sep 28, 2012

Is there any way to take the settings for one user (windowed mode enabled and toolbar layout) and apply those to all users who then log in to the computer afterwards?
The setup for one user is not carrying over for all users. Is there a way to configure GIMP so that my changes affect all users.

GIMP :: Transferring User Preferences

Feb 2, 2012

I've been using gimp for a while, and made quite a few customizations throughout the whole user interface (rearranging, resizing docks & windows, adding new ones), custom shortcut keys and mouse commands etc.
I would like to store these custom settings in a neat little package, so if i have to reinstall my system or simply install gimp to a new machine, I could restore my customized user interface without much hassle.
So the question is:
Where exactly are gimps config files are stored especially the ones containing the examples I made?
I also have a few smaller unrelated questions:
-I would like to map functions to mouse button 4 and 5 (undo, redo) but how to map these keys.
-Is there a way to set up a shortcut for 'previous color used' and 'previous brush used', so i wouldn't have to manually switch colors an brushes all the time?
I'm using the windows 64 bit version of the 2.7.5 beta from Partha.

GIMP :: How To Make Animated User Bars

Sep 23, 2006

How to make animated user bars. This is useful if you have more than one userbar and want to display them in the same image. The end result will look like this.
There is no limit to the amount of images you can animate.
OK, firstly, we need a userbar. If you haven't got some you can make your own. I have made a tutorial with all the information you will ever need to know. You can view it here.
Once you have made some, open 1 up in The GIMP. Make sure you only open one, this is important.
Then go to, File ---> Open as Layer . . .
Select your other userbar and hit OK. What this does is open the userbar as a layer. Look, you can see the two userbars as seperate layers in my layer window.
Keep doing this to you have opened all the userbars you want to include in your animation. When you have done, go to File ---> Save as . . .
Save it as, 'Userbars.gif'. It is important to include the .gif, without this, the animation will not work. A window, will appear. Put in these settings.
Click 'Export'.
A new window will appear. Put in these settings.
Click OK.
You have now animated your userbars. Nothing to it really.

AutoCAD Inventor :: Transition From Single User / Desktop Content To Two User / Vault?

May 7, 2013

After getting Vault installed on our server and successfully setting up users and connections, I used the Library Transfer Guide to move our Content Center (including custom) to the Vault. I then changed the Inventor Application Options -> Content Center -> Access Options to Autodesk Vault Server.
This seems to have worked, as I can Place from Content Center when in an assembly, and it is pulling standard content as well as our custom files properly from the vault. However, in the instructions that I used for the installlation, it was suggested to stick with a standard folder structure within the Vault, namely two Library Folders named 'Content Center Files' and 'Libraries' and also a regular folder named 'Designs'.
I created those folders prior to transferring the library, as I thought they would be populated with the standard/custom content. This was not the case and I am curious when these folders come into play? *they are empty*
Also, today I will be attempting to 'Check In' a project to the Vault that I recently completed; does this usually maintain structural relationships between files?
Would you recommend using a single project structure in vault for two people? It seems, since we won't be working on the same project at the same time, having a single project would not be relavant to our situation..
Inventor 2011 / Windows 7 Pro SP1 64bit
Dell Precision T3600
Intel Xeon E5-1607 @ 3.00GHz
AMD FirePro V4900
20 GB Ram

Photoshop :: Epson Printable DVD?

Sep 24, 2008

I bought an Epson R280 printer that can print directly on the DVD. But when I try to print from Photoshop, it always comes out off centre.
I tried to print using the software that came with the printer which worked perfectly. But I prefer to use Adobe (photoshop,encore, etc.). Has anyone else had similar problems or know of solutions?

AutoCad :: Printable Area For DWG To PDF?

Nov 17, 2012

I am aware that the dashed line in paper space represents the printable area for the type of plotter that is being used. Now... While in page setup when plotting dwg to pdf (on the same type of paper, ISO A3) the printable area border is different for every dwg. Sometimes it is right next to the paper border 1-2mm offset, and other times a good 2-3cm. I tried to resolve this but failed. New to the paper space and the whole plotting experience. So the questions are:
1. What is the printable area in dwg to pdf, what is it for?
2. Can i change the dimensions and position of the area when doing dwg to pdf, or when using other plotters?
3. Why is the area different for every dwg file when plotting dwg to pdf?

Photoshop :: Paper Printable Area

Feb 2, 2006

I almost print a picture from PS prograss when I saw that image is too large and the paper's printable area some clipping will occur. Is it ok to click on it and do I put the smaller size.

AutoCad :: Size Of Printable Area On A1 And A3?

Sep 14, 2012

How big the printable area is on a A1 and A3?
Is that standard measurements or can that be set up individually?

AutoCad :: How To Expand Printable Area

Jan 17, 2013

How do expand my printable area? I'd like the border of my drawing to be about 1/4' from the edge of the paper but it gets cut off at about 3/4' away.

AutoCAD Map 3D :: Do Themes Styles Not Printable?

Nov 25, 2008

I exported and re-data connected a polyline to be able to use the transparency style features of map. I can see it on my screen just fine but it will not plot out as such. Are the styles in map only for visual on screen and not printable?

GIMP :: Get Mac Fonts On Windows?

Jul 18, 2013

I was wondering (I know it sounds counter intuitive) if its possible to get mac fonts to appear in windows gimp. I'm trying to redo images using gimp on a windows computer that come from .psd files created with a mac. The fonts (though Tahoma in both) don't look remotely similar because mac fonts are different from windows fonts apparently. Is there some sort of workaround I can use in gimp to make them look more similar? The mac font looks so much smoother and 'full-er'.....I wish i could say the same about the windows one. And yes, I am using the same size, color, and font in both images.
Here they are:
My edit

GIMP :: Files Cannot Be Associated To It In Windows 7

Aug 27, 2013

As an example I have a PNG file which I right click. The menu appears and I go to properties.
Then click on 'opens with' change button. I arrive at the top half of the opens with dialog window.
Here is the bottom half of that same window.
Gimp does not appear in this dialog. So I proceed to browse for the program gimp so that I can include it [ ':Program FilesGIMP 2bingimp-2.8.exe'].
I select the gimp binary and return to the first open with dialog. Gimp is still not included in the selection dialog.
Perhaps the installation is not registering the software properly?? Previously I had earlier versions of gimp 32 bit installed and it worked properly.

GIMP :: User Profile / Fonts Versus System Fonts

Oct 21, 2013

never knew there has a font folder in the user profile for Gimp until I wiped my user profile and moved all patterns, gradients, brushes, etc I have been putting in the program folder to the user profile folder because I read on here that it is better to keep all that stuff in the user profile folder of Gimp... my question is, what is the difference between installing your fonts into the system and placing them into the fonts folder in Gimp (besides all programs being able to use them)?? I've been installing all my fonts into the system I wanna use in Gimp... is it better to use the font folder in the Gimp user profile or to install them into the system?

Photoshop :: Manual

Nov 6, 2006

able to find a copy of the users manual?

AutoCAD Architecture :: Printable Area In Layout

Mar 16, 2011

When I make a new Layout a new Page Setup called *Layout1* is created and assigned to the new Layout. Our plotter is assigned as the plot device, and a dashed rectangle showing printable area appears near the borders of the white sheet area represented in the Layout.
If I choose to Modify the layout, and I change the Paper size, the dashed rectangle disappears, and now I don't know how to position and size a title block to ensure that it stays within the printable area. What controls the presence of the dashed print area rectangle?

AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Printable Doc / Chart Of Pen Settings

Nov 21, 2013

Where I can find a printable doc/chart of the pen settings, with their colours and pen widths ?

AutoCad 2D :: Disable Display Printable Area In Mac?

Apr 14, 2011

We, the company, have been wording with AutoCad for ages now. All in the trusted Windows version. But the Mac is rising! And a couple of our partimers have bought Mac systems. All good and well when they still use the Windows version of AutoCad, but when AutoDesk released the Mac version, they dove on it like lions on a slow moving prey. Still that´s ok. But we work with a Windows based template. Complete with all the layers and pre/set blocks and with pre set pages. We have all the pages from A0 down to A4 format lined up in one paperspacetab. (We use single viewports to fill the pages)
This works awsomely fast and easy, when you disable the 'display prinable area' function. Now the mac-users also want to remove the printable area, so I take a look and: WFT happend to AutoCad?!?, why do they have a Coca-Cola-Zero version of the AutoCad (=Less options than the light version).
Any way to remove the prinable area? Is it posible, or do we have to work around it?

Gimp User Manual For Mac

Gimp User Manual Download

Illustrator :: How To Create PRINTABLE Wallpaper Pattern

Oct 10, 2013

I am fluent in Photoshop and semi fluent in Illustrator. I run CS6 for both.
No what I want to be able to do is create a repeating pattern that can then be printed as wallpaper and pasted to the wall. As you can imagine there are lots of hurdles to get your head round and I can find any support anywhere.
Traditional wallpaper is 53cm wide by 10metres long per roll.
The wallpaper will have either a 1/4 or 1/2 drop.
I need the pattern to repeat seamlessly top and bottom and left and right because its wallpaper! I have been experimenting with the pattern tool in illustrator but with no real luck. I can create a pattern that drops by 1/4 or 1/2 but it gets all weird on the vertical repeat so its unusable.

GIMP :: How To Get Only Show Fonts From User / Fonts File

Jun 21, 2012

how to get Gimp to only showfonts from the user/fonts file rather than the vast amount of system fonts.
I think you should read the original mail again. Hint: 'system fonts not shown' is not the problem, but the desired outcome.I have accidentally read a 'not' into the original mail, thus it became 'to get Gimp to *not* only show fonts from the user/fonts file'
The configuration to check is the fonconfig settings then, for example the the global, system-wide fonts.conf file. It may contain references to the global font directories, for example /usr/share/fonts/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts. URL....
If you comment those out, then you can (and have to) add all font directories in GIMP's settings, for example.

GIMP :: Fixing Windows In Place?

Gimp User Manual For Mac Computer

Sep 14, 2011

Is there any way to fix the windows in place when opening a file that already exists?Example: I go to my image folder, right-click to open a .png in GIMP, and the window opens up like this with the right corners of the image window off the screen. I have to resize every time, just to see the right-most parts of my image when I zoom in.
This is what I want my default settings to look like - perfectly set within the screen, with each corner of the image window visible.I've messed around with the Preferences menu, but so far all I've been able to do is make it so my toolbox pops up in the same place.

GIMP :: 2.6.10 Unstable Installer For Windows 32 And 64 Bit

Dec 29, 2011

regarding the installation of 2.6.10 usingthe unstable installer :
Is there a way on windows 7 64 bits to get rid of the following alert eachtime you are executing something :
quotethe procedure entry point gdk_win_32_begin_direct_draw_libgtk_only cannot befound in the dynamic links library libgdk-win-32-2.0-0.dllunquote

GIMP :: 2.8 Won't Start On Windows XP Home SP3

Jan 7, 2014

I did a complete uninstall of GIMP 2.6. Then a complete install of GIMP 2.8. No errors during installation. When I run GIMP, Windows draws a window frame with the title 'GIMP Startup' but the inside of the window remains unpainted (whatever was behind it remains visible). This window frame exists for maybe one second and then closes. I have waited a long time but nothing continues. Task Manager confirms that no application is running. I uninstalled, downloaded again, reinstalled (even just a 'compact' installation), but same thing.
System Info:
Windows XP Home SP3, up to date
Paging file initial 3058 MB, max 6116 MB

GIMP :: Accessibility / Automation On Windows?

Jul 12, 2013

Accessibility or Automation within GIMP on Windows.
Does GIMP 2.8 have any Accessibility or Automation features similar to MSAA or UIA available in the Windows version?
I have tested the GIMP UI and only Win32 Windows are accessible, but nothing within these Windows, i.e. Menus, Toolbox buttons, etc.
If no features exist on the Windows platform, do the features exist in the Linux version?

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