Freespace 2 Launcher For Mac

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Execute the “wmic” command to start the WMIC command line environment. This command can be executed in XP or. NET Server’s standard command line interpreter (cmd. exe), Telnet session, or Run dialog box. These startup methods can be used locally or through. NET Server terminal service sessions.

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Page 30 of 33 - Freespace 2 for OS X - posted in Mac Simulators: Allow me to contribute my sincere thanks as well. The Launcher is used to configure FS2Open, enable new graphical and gameplay features, and switch mods. It is analogous to the Launcher that originally shipped with FreeSpace 2, except the original launcher will not work with FS2Open or the new features.

When the first WMIC command is executed, Windows first installs WMIC, and then displays the WMIC command line prompt. On the WMIC command line prompt, commands are executed interactively.

There are two ways to run wimic:

1. After entering wimic, enter the command to run. When wmic: root cli > appears after typing wimic, you can enter the command. For example, enter process to display all processes. If you don’t know what commands you can enter /? To display help. Exit is exit interaction mode. Specific help usage is as follows:

Command Line Help
Command examples
/ or -? Displays the syntax of all global switches and aliases
// Display information about the specified global switch
/ Class /? Displays information about a command
/ Memcache /? Displays information about an alias
/ Temperature get /? Displays information about aliases and verb combinations
/ Full IRQ get /?: Full shows help information for verbs.
For example: I want to see the help of the process command, type: process /? And it will show as follows:
wmic:rootcli>process /?
PROCESS – Process Management.

Tip: Alias for BNF.
(<alias> [WMIObject] | <alias> [<path where>] | [<alias>] <path where>) [<verb clause>].


PROCESS ASSOC [<format specifier>]
PROCESS CALL <method name> [<actual param list>]
PROCESS CREATE <assign list>
PROCESS GET [<property list>] [<get switches>]
PROCESS LIST [<list format>] [<list switches>]

2. Run the command directly after wimic. For example, wmic process shows all processes. These two methods of operation are: Interactive mode and Non-Interactive mode.

Here are some examples to illustrate the usage:

Display process details
Enter process where name= “maxthon.exe” list full
All information about the mxathon.exe process will be displayed as follows:
OSName=Microsoft Windows XP Professional|C:WINDOWS|
Stop, suspend, and run service functions
Start the servicestartservice,
Stop service,
Suspension of service pause service
Service where caption = “windows time” call stopservice – — stop service
Service where caption = “windows time” call startservice – — Start the service
Service where name = “w32time” call stopservice – — Stop service, pay attention to the difference between name and caption.
Caption shows the name of service name service name, such as: telnet service name is telnet service name is tlntsvr, and Windows Time service name is w32time display name is “Windows Time” to be caused by quotation marks, mainly with a space.
Well, let’s see in detail: after entering Service where caption = “windows time” call startservice, you can have a confirmation input y and return ReturnValue = 0 to indicate success.
wmic:rootcli>Service where caption=”windows time” call startservice
Execution ( CHINA-46B1E8590 ROOT CIMV2: Win32_Service. Name= “W32Time”) – > startservice ()
The method was successfully implemented.
Output parameters:
instance of __PARAMETERS
ReturnValue = 0;

Display BIOS information wmic BIOS list full
You may notice that there are two more parameters listed and full on the command line above. List determines the format and scope of information to be displayed. It has many parameters, such as Brief, Full, Instance, Status, System, Writeable, etc. Ful is only one of its parameters, and it is also the default parameter of list, indicating that all information is displayed. Several other parameters as the name implies, such as Brief for only displaying summary information, Instance for only displaying object instances, Status for displaying object status, Writeable for displaying only writable attribute information of the object, etc.

Stop the operation of the process
For example, executing the following command will close the running QQ.exe:
Example 1. wmic process where name=’QQ.exe’call terminate
After the command runs, the wmic command line prompts the following results:
C:>wmic process where name=’QQ.exe’ call terminate
Execution ( CHINA-46B1E8590 ROOT CIMV2: Win32_Process. Handle = “728”) – > terminate ()
The method was successfully implemented.
Output parameters:
instance of __PARAMETERS
ReturnValue = 0;

Example 2, wmic process where name= “qq.exe” delete
After the command runs, the WMIC command line prompts the following results:

C:>wmic process where name=”qq.exe” delete
Delete instance china-46b1e8590 root cimv2: Win32? Process. Handle = “2820”
Sample deletion was successful.
List all processes

Connect remote computers

Connect to a remote computer, but it seems that there are some corresponding services to be opened.

wmic /node:”″ /password:”” /user:”administrator”

BIOS – Basic Input/Output Service (BIOS) Management
See the version of BIOS
wmic bios get Manufacturer,Name

WMIC Sets IP Address
Configure or update IP address:
Wmic nicconfig where index = 0 call enablestatic (“”), and (“”); index = 0 means configuring network interface 1.
Configure gateway (default route):
wmic nicconfig where index=0 call setgateways(“”),(1)

COMPUTER SYSTEM-Computer System Management
View System Startup Options, Boot Contents
wmic COMPUTERSYSTEM get SystemStartupOptions
_View Working Group/Domain
wmic computersystem get domain
★ change the computer name ABC to 123
wmic computersystem where “name=’abc'” call rename 123
Change working group Google to MyGroup
wmic computersystem where “name=’google'” call joindomainorworkgroup “”,””,”MyGroup”,1

CPU – CPU management
View CPU Model
wmic cpu get name

Datafile – datafile management
Find cc.cmd file under test directory (excluding subdirectory) on e-disk
wmic datafile where “drive=’e:’ and path=’test’ and FileName=’cc’ and Extension=’cmd'” list
Find cc.cmd files in all directories and subdirectories under e-disk, and the file size is larger than 1K
wmic datafile where “drive=’e:’ and FileName=’cc’ and Extension=’cmd’ and FileSize>’1000′” list
★ delete the. CMD file whose file size is greater than 10m under disk E.
wmic datafile where “drive=’e:’ and Extension=’cmd’ and FileSize>’10000000′” call delete
Delete non-cmd files under test directory (excluding subdirectories) on e-disk
wmic datafile where “drive=’e:’ and Extension<>’cmd’ and path=’test'” call delete
Copy the cc.cmd file under test directory (excluding subdirectories) on e-disk to e: and rename it aa.bat
wmic datafile where “drive=’e:’ and path=’test’ and FileName=’cc’ and Extension=’cmd'” call copy “e:aa.bat”
★ change the name C: hello.txt to C: test.txt
wmic datafile “c:hello.txt” call rename c:test.txt
Find a file with test in the directory under H disk, Perl in the file name and TXT in the suffix
wmic datafile where “drive=’h:’ and extension=’txt’ and path like ‘%test%’ and filename like ‘%perl%'” get name

DESKTOPMONITOR – Monitor Management
★ obtain screen resolution
wmic DESKTOPMONITOR where Status=’ok’ get ScreenHeight,ScreenWidth

DISKDRIVE – Physical Disk Drive Management
Capturing the size of physical disks, etc.
wmic DISKDRIVE get Caption,size,InterfaceType

ENVIRONMENT – System Environment Setup Management
Capturing temp environment variables
wmic ENVIRONMENT where “name=’temp'” get UserName,VariableValue
Change the value of path environment variable, add e:tools
wmic ENVIRONMENT where “name=’path’ and username='<system>'” set VariableValue=”%path%;e:tools”
wmic ENVIRONMENT create name=”home”,username=”<system>”,VariableValue=”%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%”
Delete home environment variables
wmic ENVIRONMENT where “name=’home'” delete

FSDIR – File Directory System Project Management
Find the directory named test on disk e
wmic FSDIR where “drive=’e:’ and filename=’test'” list
Delete all directories in the e: test directory except the ABC directory
wmic FSDIR where “drive=’e:’ and path=’test’ and filename<>’abc'” call delete
Delete the c: Good folder
wmic fsdir “c:good” call delete
Rename the c: good folder ABB
wmic fsdir “c:good” rename “c:abb”

LOGICALDISK – Local Storage Equipment Management
wmic LOGICALDISK get name,Description,filesystem,size,freespace

NIC – network interface controller (NIC) management

OS – Installed Operating System Management
_Setting up System Time
wmic os where(primary=1) call setdatetime 20070731144642.555555+480

PAGEFILESET – Page File Setup Management
Change the initial size and maximum value of the current page file
wmic PAGEFILESET set InitialSize=”512″,MaximumSize=”512″
Set the page file to d: and execute the following two commands
wmic pagefileset create name=’d:pagefile.sys’,initialsize=512,maximumsize=1024
wmic pagefileset where”name=’c:pagefile.sys'” delete

PROCESS – Process Management
★ list the core information of the process, similar to task manager
wmic process list brief
★ end the process of svchost.exe, with the path of non-C: windows system32 svchost.exe.
wmic process where “name=’svchost.exe’ and ExecutablePath<>’C:WINDOWSsystem32svchost.exe'” call Terminate
★ new Notepad process
wmic process call create notepad

PRODUCT – Installation Package Task Management
Installation package in C: WINDOWS Installer directory
Unloading. MSI installation package
wmic PRODUCT where “name=’Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1′ and Version=’1.1.4322′” call Uninstall
★ repair. MSI installation package
wmic PRODUCT where “name=’Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1′ and Version=’1.1.4322′” call Reinstall

Service – service program management
Running spooler service
wmic SERVICE where name=”Spooler” call startservice
Stop spooler service
wmic SERVICE where name=”Spooler” call stopservice
Suspension of spooler service
wmic SERVICE where name=”Spooler” call PauseService
★ change the startup type of spooler service [auto disable manual] to [auto disable manual]
wmic SERVICE where name=”Spooler” set StartMode=”auto”
★ delete service
wmic SERVICE where name=”test123″ call delete

SHARE – Shared Resource Management
Delete Sharing
wmic SHARE where name=”e$” call delete
_Add Sharing
WMIC SHARE CALL Create “”,”test”,”3″,”TestShareName”,””,”c:test”,0

SOUNDDEV – Sound Equipment Management
wmic SOUNDDEV list

STARTUP – Management of Auto-Running Commands when Users Log on to Computer System
See Startup Options in msconfig
wmic STARTUP list

Freespace 2 Launcher For Mac Download

SYSDRIVER – System Driver Management for Basic Services
wmic SYSDRIVER list

USERACCOUNT – User Account Management
Change the full name of user administrator to admin
wmic USERACCOUNT where name=”Administrator” set FullName=”admin”
Change user name admin to admin00
wmic useraccount where “name=’admin” call Rename admin00

Getting patch information
★ check the patches of the current system
/node:legacyhost qfe get hotfixid

View the current CPU speed
Current Speed of CPU
wmic cpu get CurrentClockSpeed

Remote Desktop Connection of Remote Computer
WMIC command opens remote desktop connection of remote computer
Execute wmic/node: administrator
PATH win32_terminalservicesetting WHERE (__Class!=””) CALL SetAllowTSConnections 1
Specific format:
wmic /node:”[full machine name]” /USER:”[domain][username]”
PATH win32_terminalservicesetting WHERE (__Class!=””) CALL SetAllowTSConnections 1
Wmic gets the process name and executable path:
wmic process get name,executablepath

Wmic deletes the specified process (according to the process name):
wmic process where name=”qq.exe” call terminate
Or use
wmic process where name=”qq.exe” delete

Wmic deletes the specified process (according to process PID):
wmic process where pid=”123″ delete

Wmic creates new processes
wmic process call create “C:Program FilesTencentQQQQ.exe”

Create new processes on remote machines:
wmic /node: /user:administrator /password:123456 process call create cmd.exe

Turn off the local computer
wmic process call create shutdown.exe

Restart the remote computer
wmic /node: /password:123456 process call create “shutdown.exe -r -f -m”

Change the name of the computer
wmic computersystem where “caption=’%ComputerName%'” call rename newcomputername

Change account name
wmic USERACCOUNT where “name=’%UserName%'” call rename newUserName

Wmic terminates suspicious processes (depending on the process’s startup path)


wmic process where “name=’explorer.exe’ and executablepath<>’%SystemDrive%windowsexplorer.exe'” delete

Wmic Gets Physical Memory
wmic memlogical get TotalPhysicalMemory|find /i /v “t”

Wmic Gets the Time of File Creation, Access and Modification

@echo off
for /f “skip=1 tokens=1,3,5 delims=. ” %%a in (‘wmic datafile where name^=”c:windowssystem32notepad.exe” get CreationDate^,LastAccessed^,LastModified’) do (
set a=%%a
set b=%%b
set c=%%c
Echo file: c: windows system 32 notepad. exe
Establishment time of echo:% a:~0,4% year%a:~4,2% month%a:~6,2% day%a:~8,2% time%a:~10,2% minutes%a:~12,2% seconds
Echo last visit:% B: ~ 0,4% year% B: ~ 4,2% month% B: ~ 6,2% day% B: ~ 8,2% hour% B: ~ 10,2% minute% B: ~ 12,2% second
Final modification of echo:% c:~0,4% yearly% c:~4,2% monthly% c:~6,2% daily% c:~8,2% time% c:~10,2% minutes% c:~12,2% seconds

Freespace 2 Launcher For Mac Pc

Wmic searches a file in its entirety and gets its directory
for /f “skip=1 tokens=1*” %i in (‘wmic datafile where “FileName=’qq’ and extension=’exe'” get drive^,path’) do (set “qPath=%i%j”&@echo %qPath:~0,-3%)

Get screen resolution wmic DESKTOPMONITOR where Status=’ok’get ScreenHeight, ScreenWidth

wmic PageFileSet set InitialSize=”512″,MaximumSize=”512″

Set up virtual memory to disk E and delete the page files under disk C. It will take effect after restarting the computer.

wmic PageFileSet create name=”E:pagefile.sys”,InitialSize=”1024″,MaximumSize=”1024″
wmic PageFileSet where “name=’C:pagefile.sys'” delete

Get the current memory occupied by the process and the maximum memory occupied:

Freespace 2 Launcher For Mac

wmic process where caption=’filename.exe’ get WorkingSetSize,PeakWorkingSetSize

Display in KB

@echo off
for /f “skip=1 tokens=1-2 delims= ” %%a in (‘wmic process where caption^=”conime.exe” get WorkingSetSize^,PeakWorkingSetSize’) do (
set /a m=%%a/1024
set /a mm=%%b/1024
The echo process conime.exe now occupies memory:% m% K; the maximum occupied memory:% mm% K

Open Computer Remote Desktop remotely

Freespace 2 Launcher For Mac Windows 7

wmic /node:%pcname% /USER:%pcaccount% PATH win32_terminalservicesetting WHERE (__Class!=””) CALL SetAllowTSConnections 1

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API-WMIC Learning Experience of Batch Processing
In this article, you may not see many unique and useful practical routines, but it is better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish. I hope that my article can make you understand some basic knowledge of wmic easily and have an interest in learning, so that you can continue to study wmic deeply.
Under WINDOWS Help, the wmic.chm document explains WMI as follows: Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is the implementation of Microsoft, a Web-based Enterprise Management Initiative (WBEM), an industrial initiative aimed at establishing standards for accessing and sharing management information on enterprise networks. For more information about WBEM, please visit WBEM. XOXWMI provides complete support for the Common Information Model (CIM), which describes the objects that exist in the management environment. WMI includes object repository and CIM object manager, in which object repository is a database containing object definition. Object manager is responsible for collecting and manipulating objects in the repository and collecting information from WMI provider. WMI providers act as intermediaries between WMI and components of operating systems, applications and other systems. For example, registry providers provide information from registries, while SNMP providers provide data and events from SNMP devices. Providers provide information about their components. They may also provide methods for manipulating settable components, attributes, or events that may warn you of changes in components. Windows Management Instrumentation command line (WMIC) provides you with a simple Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) command line interface, so that you can use WMI to manage computers running Windows. WMIC interacts with existing command-line programs and utility commands, and it is easy to extend WMIC through scripts or other management-oriented applications.
These statements are too professional. Popularly speaking, wmic.exe is a command-line program. It can be used as an interface to directly manage all aspects of computer software and hardware under the command line, which is equivalent to the batch api.
1. Brief analysis of the basic command format of wmic
Readers may have a basic understanding of wmic if they often read relevant information on the internet, but the more they read, the more confused they will be, at least I think so. In fact, to sum up simply, the command format is “wmic + global switch + alias + WQL statement + Verb + adverb (or parameter of verb) + verb switch”. This command format can be written in full or partial format as needed. I will explain each name of the format in turn according to my own understanding, but it certainly does not meet the definition of Microsoft experts, just to let you understand them.
Wmic is wmic.exe, located under the windows directory, is a command-line program. WMIC can be executed in two modes: Interactive mode and Non-Interactive mode. Readers who often use the Netsh command line should be very familiar with these two modes.
Interaction mode. If you enter WMIC only at the command prompt or through the “Run” menu, you will enter the interaction mode of WMIC. Whenever a command is executed, the system will return to the WMIC prompt, such as “Root cli”, which is usually used when multiple WMIC instructions need to be executed. Interactive modes sometimes validate sensitive operational requirements, such as deletion operations, to minimize user errors.
Non-interactive mode. Non-interactive mode refers to placing WMIC instructions directly behind WMIC as parameters of WMIC, and returning them to normal command prompts after execution, rather than entering the context of WMIC. The non-interactive mode of WMIC is mainly used in batch processing or other script files. In this paper, I use the example of non-interactive mode.
The switch has the following global switches, which can be seen by entering wmic. exe /. (Let’s not discuss the specific meaning of each switch here, but see the example for its specific usage):

/ Namespace paths used by NAMESPACE aliases.
/ ROLE contains the role path defined by this alias.
/ Server used by NODE alias.
/ IMPLEVEL customer simulation level.
/ AUTHLEVEL Customer Authentication Level.
/ Language identifiers for LOCALE client applications.
/ PRIVILEGES enables or disables all privileges.
/ TRACE outputs debugging information to stderr.
/ RECORD writes all input commands and outputs to the log.
/ INTERACTIVE sets or resets the interaction mode.
/ FAILFAST sets or resets FailFast mode.
/ Users used during USER sessions.
/Password the password used for session login.
/Output specifies the mode for output redirection.
/ APPEND specifies the mode for output redirection.
/ AGGREGATE sets or resets set mode.
/AUTHORITY Specifies the <authority type> for the connection.
/?[:<BRIEF|FULL>] Usage information.

As for aliases, it is to give the motherboard, services, systems, processes and computer-related Dongdong an English name, can also be seen under the command line of wmic.exe/?
The WQL statement is almost exactly the same as that of the SQL statement we injected at usual time, or even simpler. Usually, where name = “xxx” and so on, but sometimes we need to change the format of name = “xxx” to “name =’xxx'” or “where” (name =’xxx’), so that if it doesn’t work normally, we can change the way we write it.
Verbs, such as assoc, call, CREATE, DELETE, GET, LIST and SET, can be seen from the English names what they are used for. But to tell you the truth, Assoc really hasn’t been used yet.
As for adverbs (parameters of verbs), we get the attributes of objects by using verbs + its parameters. Like an adverb belonging to a list verb, it shows what kind, such as detailed status or brief status.
Verb switches are like displaying a horizontal form or a vertical form or output a file in what format, or repeating information for several seconds, etc. Some verbs do not have a switch.

2. Complete our wmic command line step by step

Wmic has a nickname logicaldisk, which is to manage the disk. Let’s first write in the simplest format and type wmic logicaldisk list (wmic. exe + alias + list verb) on the CMD command line. After a while, various data of the local hard disk will appear on the screen, which looks cluttered. This is too inconvenient to see. Let’s rewrite it and change it to <wmic logicaldisk list brief>. Add a brief parameter after the list verb, that is, the adverb of brief, and the result will be very neat. The effect is as follows:

DeviceID brief FreeSpace ProviderName Size VolumeName
A: 2
C: 3 2925694976 6805409792 WINXP
D: 3 1117487104 1759936512 WORK
E: 5

You may have noticed the verb list and the adverb brief on the command line above. The list verb decides the format and scope of the information to be displayed. It has many parameters (adverbs) such as Brief, Full, Instance, Status, System, Writeable, etc. Ful is only one parameter of the list, and it is also the default parameter of the list, indicating that all information is displayed. As the name implies, several other parameters, such as brief, instance, status, writeable and so on.
Let’s add a point to the statement. When the value of EviceID in the return information of the upper disk is 3, it means the partition of the local hard disk. If it’s 5 optical area, it’s 2 Mobile disk. Let’s change the statement and add the WQL statement to show only the local disk. The statement is changed to:”wmic logicaldisk where”DriveType = 3″list brief;” wmic logicaldisk where (DriveType = 3) list brief;”The display effect is as follows:

DeviceID DriveType FreeSpace ProviderName Size VolumeName
C: 3 2925686784 6805409792 WINXP
D: 3 1117487104 1759936512 WORK

But the format above shows that we are still not satisfied. Provider Name does not know what we want. We just want what we want. We don’t want Volume Name or something like that. Change the sentence to get verb and change the command to:> wmic logicaldisk where “Drive Type = 3” get DeviceID, Size, FreeSpace, Description, FileSy. Stem * The information returned is as follows:

Description DeviceID FileSystem FreeSpace Size
Local Fixed Disk C: FAT32 2925686784 6805409792
Local Fixed Disk D: FAT 1117487104 1759936512

As for the parameters that follow the get verb, you can check them with list first. Well, we can get the results we want this time. But we haven’t used the switch in the command yet. Add a few global switches. Let’s add an OUTPUT to output the display information to a file. The command is as follows: wmic / output: A. HTML logicaldisk where “DriveType = 3” get DeviceID, Size, FreeSpace, Description, FileSystem so that the information just returned from the screen goes to A. HTM of the current directory. But when a.htm opens, it’s like a notepad. It doesn’t have any style and looks ugly. When we specify a style for it, we need to use the verb format switch. The command is changed to <wmic/output:a.html logicaldisk “DriveType=3” get DeviceID, Size, FreeSpace, Description, FileSystem/format: htable *, so that it will flower in a.htm. Colorful tables show information about our local disk. Maybe you need to ask, what is htable? Actually, this is a file. If you want the format of A. HTML above, you can find a file name of the format you want here in C: WINDOWS system32 wbem. Specifically, there are some files as follows:


Others may ask, I just want to show the c: disc, not the other disc can do it? Of course, you can use the variable name of the WQL statement. You can first see the specific name of the name with <wmic logicaldisk list Instance> and then change the WQL statement above. Okay, let’s change it to <wmic/output:a.html logicaldisk where “name=’c:'” get DeviceID, Size, FreeSpace, Description, FileSystem/format: htable or wmic/output:a.html logicaldisk where (name=’c:’) get DeviceID, Size, FreeSpace, Description, FileSystem/format: htable *. It’s worth noting that we don’t use single quotation marks in DriveType = 3 because 3 is numeric and c: is character, so we use single or double quotation marks. However, it should be noted that if and is used in WQL statements, please use () or “” to cause statements.
In this way, our final sentence basically conforms to the command format of wmic at the beginning of my article: “wmic + switch + alias + WQL noun + Verb + adverb (or parameter of verb) + verb switch”. However, wmic can operate not only locally, but also remotely. Let’s add three global switches to make this command operate on remote format. The command is:
●WMIC /node:”″ /user:”administrator” /password:”lcx” /output:a.html logicaldisk where “name=’c:'” get DeviceID,Size,FreeSpace,Description,FileSystem /format:htable●
The node switch indicates which machine to access. User and password are the user name and password of the remote machine, of course. This command has been explained above. You should know it at a glance. So far, our verbs only use get and list. We add a set to change the label of the c: disk. The commands are as follows: WMIC logicaldisk where “name =’c:'” set VolumeName = LCX so that you can get a better understanding of the format. Writing so many words, maybe you want to ask me what is the most useful switch for Wmic, of course? “Well, if that command won’t work, you can use wmic /?, wmic logicaldisk /?, wmic logicaldisk list /?, wmic logicaldisk set /? To query usage.

Three, summary

Wmic is very powerful, like the opening of 3389 sentences in 2003 can be achieved: wmic RDTOGLE WHERE ServerName=’% COMPUTERNAME%’call SetAllowTSConnections 1. However,
This article is expected to make the audience feel deceived. A Wmic disk command has written so long. But I think with the foundation of this article, you will have an entry point to study other aliases such as process, service, bios, motherboard. The specific good skills such as Kai 3389 will depend on your research and discovery.


Windows wmic command details

REM view CPU
wmic cpu list brief
REM Views Physical Memory
wmic memphysical list brief
REM Views Logical Memory
wmic memlogical list brief
REM Views Cached Memory
wmic memcache list brief
REM Views Virtual Memory
wmic pagefile list brief
REM View Network Card
wmic nic list brief
REM View Network Protocol
wmic netprotocal list brief

[Example] The current system BIOS, CPU, motherboard and other information are output to an HTML web page file, the commands are as follows:

:: get the system information. Bat and run the bat file.
:: System information output to HTML file, see help: wmic /?
:: wmic [system parameter name] list [brief | full]/ format: hform > | > [file name]
wmic bios list brief /format:hform > PCinfo.html
wmic baseboard list brief /format:hform >>PCinfo.html
wmic cpu list full /format:hform >>PCinfo.html
wmic os list full /format:hform >>PCinfo.html
wmic computersystem list brief /format:hform >>PCinfo.html
wmic diskdrive list full /format:hform >>PCinfo.html
wmic memlogical list full /format:hform >>PCinfo.html
WMIC command parameters help reference:
ALIAS * Access aliases on local machines
BASEBOARD – Baseboard (also known as motherboard or system board) management.
BIOS — Basic Input/Output Service (BIOS) Management.
BOOTCONFIG – Start configuration management.
CDROM – CD-ROM management.
COMPUTER SYSTEM – Computer system management.
CPU * CPU management.
CSPRODUCT – SMBIOS Computer System Product Information.
DATAFILE — Data File management.
DCOMAPP – DCOM program management.
DESKTOP – User Desktop Management.
DESKTOPMONITOR – Monitor management.
DEVICEMORYADDRESS – Device memory address management.
DISKDRIVE — Physical Disk Drive Management.
Diskquota – NTFS volume disk space usage.
DMACHANNEL * Direct Memory Access (DMA) Channel Management.
Environment – system environment settings management.
FSDIR * File directory system project management.
GROUP * Group Account Management.
IDECONTROLLER – IDE Controller Management.
IRQ * Interval Request Line (IRQ) Management.
JOB * Provides access to work scheduled using planned services.
Loadorder – defines the execution of dependent system service management.
LOGICALDISK – Local storage device management.
LOGON * Log in session.
MEMCACHE — Cache memory management.
Memlogic – system memory management (configuration layout and memory availability).
MEMPHYSICAL — Physical memory management of computer systems.
Netclient – network client management.
NETLOGIN – (a user’s) network login information management.
NETPROTOCOL protocol (and its network characteristics) management.
NETUSE * Active Network Connection Management.
NIC – Network Interface Controller (NIC) Management.
NICCONFIG – Network adapter management.
NTDOMAIN * NT domain management.
NTEVENT * NT Event Log Projects
NTEVENTLOG – NT Time Log File Management.
ONBOARD DEVICE – Management of common built-in adapter devices on motherboard (system board).
OS – Installed Operating System Management.
PAGEFILE — Virtual Memory File Check Management.
Pagefileset – pagefileset management.
PARTITION – Management of physical disk partition areas.
PORT * I/O port management.
PORTCONNECTOR – Physical Connection Port Management.
PRINTER – Printer equipment management.
PRINTERCONFIG – Printer Equipment Configuration Management.
Printjob – print job management.
Process – process management.
PRODUCT * Installation Package Task Management.
QFE ﹖ quick troubleshooting.
QUOTASETTING – Set the volume’s disk quota information.
RECOVEROS – Information collected from memory when the operating system fails.
Registry – computer system registry management.
SCSICONTROLLER – SCSI Controller Management.
Server – server information management.
Service – service program management.
SHARE * Shared Resource Management.
SOFTWAREELEMENT – Management of software product elements installed on the system.
SOFTWAREFEATURE – Management of Software Element’s software product components.
SOUNDDEV – Sound Equipment Management.
STARTUP — The management of automatically running commands when a user logs in to a computer system.
SYSACCOUNT – System Account Management.
SYSDRIVER – System Driver Management for Basic Services.
SYSTEMENCLOSURE – Closed management of physical systems.
SYSTEMSLOT – Includes physical connection point management for ports, sockets, attachments, and primary connection points.
Tapedrive – tape drive management.
TEMPERATURE – Data management of temperature sensors (electronic thermometers).
TIMEZONE * Time Area Data Management.
UPS * Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Management.
USERACCOUNT – User account management.
VOLTAGE — Voltage Sensor (Electronic Volumemeter) Data Management.
VOLUMEQUOTASETTING – Associates a disk volume with disk quota settings.
WMISET * WMI service operation parameter management.

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